Three Quarter Mil TCPA Class Settlement Highlights Importance of Using the Reassigned Numbers Database 


    We aim to highlight the importance of due diligence in lead campaigns and to keep our customers and industry associates up-to-date with the compliance news reported for our industry. This article from TCPA World is reprinted here for our readers, courtesy of our legal partners Troutman Amin LLP.


    Fralish cashes in: repeat TCPA litigator hits Ceteris portfolio services LLC for $761k TCPA class settlement

    by Eric Troutman

    In Fralish v. Ceteris 2023 WL 6057378 (N.D. Ind. Sept 15, 2023) the Court approved a settlement in a TCPA class action totaling $761,850.00. Of that $249,623.30 went to the lawyers – Mr. Number One strikes again–and $5,000.00 went to Mr. Fralish.

    That leaves about $500k to be distributed among the class members makin claims. (I am informed each class member will get about $700.00–that’s pretty good coin.)

    This was a case involving ringless voicemails BTW and, apparently, a good number of these were sent to wrong numbers.

    The class was pretty small–which is why the settlement dollars are not terribly high–but you can tell that these cases can get expensive very quickly.

    This is why you need to use the Reassigned Numbers Database folks!!!

    As noted in our article Managing the 3 Biggest Costs for Your Outbound Call Center to Increase Profitability, best practices in caller ID management include scrubbing your lists against do not call (DNC) lists as part of a dialing strategy to obtain express written consent.

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