
    FCC Rules AI-Generated Voices in Robocalls Are Illegal Under TCPA


    In a landmark decision, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has unanimously voted that calls made with AI-generated voices in robocalls are illegal, effective immediately.

    The Declaratory Ruling, issued by the FCC, clarifies that AI-generated voices, including voice-cloning technology, are considered "artificial" under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

    By classifying AI-generated calls as artificial, the FCC intends to provide State Attorneys General with new tools to crack down on the perpetrators behind illegal robocalls.

    Michelle Shuster, attorney at Mac Murray & Shuster, explained in a breaking news article, that the TCPA has always prohibited the use of an "artificial or prerecorded voice" for making phone calls without obtaining prior express written consent, except in emergencies.

    "For compliance purposes, most companies are already treating AI calls the same as a prerecorded message, so the Ruling will have little impact on their business."

    Convoso's Compliance Officer Tammy Glover Fowler echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that AI-generated calls must adhere to the same regulations as prerecorded calls or those using an artificial voice.

    "An established business relationship (EBR) allows permission to place live calls, but if the call is placed using AI, then prior express written consent is also required. No reason to be alarmed by this."

    Regarding Convoso's conversational AI product, Sr Product Marketing Director Daniel Foppen stated,

    "The FCC ruling just confirms our existing position: Voso.ai won't do outbound campaign calls except when there is express written consent (and cases where there is a pre-existing relationship)."

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